Thursday, December 27, 2007

Holy Moly...Twice in one week

Brace yourselves. I should have warned you that I was gonna post twice this week, sorry for any health complications this may have caused, hee, hee.

How was your Christmas? Ours was, but fun. We went to Jim's parents on Sunday and came home on Christmas Day. His grandfather was able to make the trip to Fergus Falls, as did his sister and her family. It was great fun to see them all again. Grandpa Bob turned 90 this summer and unfortunately we were not able to make it to his party, so it was especially special that he was able to join us. The girls reconnected with their cousin Tyler and as always had fun with Jacob. Tyler is only 4, so we don't get to see him as much as we see Jake (Jake sometimes comes to Aberdeen with Nana and Grandpa). It was fun to watch them play.

Evie and Izzie were once again spoiled by the Christmas gift giving. Evie was so excited, she was opening gifts left and right regardless if they were hers or not. Isabelle was not feeling well, unfortunately. She started running a fever on Christmas Eve and was pretty much out of it most of the day on Christmas Day. Oh, don't worry, she was herself long enough to open presents Christmas morning, but wiped out about noon and was down for the count until about 8pm. Jim took her to the doctor yesterday and thankfully, she doesn't have strep...just a case of the crud that's going around. He gave her an Rx for an antibiotic and a cough suppressant so hopefully she'll be on the mend soon.

Not much else to report here. We'll be heading back to Bemidji the weekend of the 18th, so hopefully there will be more to talk about after that. I'm gonna try to get some pictures on here from the weekend, but that will have to be later. Keep checkin' back!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Wow, I Really Do Suck at This!!

Ok, so I finally have time to's only December 23 and my last post was in August, but whose counting? So, when we left off, I was getting ready to start my new job at Minerva's...the restaurant. I've been there since the end of August, and I LOVE IT!! I love the work and the people that I work with, which makes it fun. Although it sounds sad to say, I enjoy going to work at the restaurant...not just for the money I make, but it's kind of like MY time away from home and the family. Every mommy needs "mommy time", and this is mine. So.....

Evie started her second year of preschool this fall. I'm really glad she has a late birthday. Her birthday is in October, so she missed the age cutoff for Kindergarten this fall, and I'm very thankful. She's a smart little girl, don't get me wrong, but she's retaining so much more this year in preschool than she did last year. She'll come home and tell me what letter they learned that day, or singing a new song. It's amazing how sponge-like children really are.

Isabelle is still hell on wheels, but more mobile and more vocal. Her vocabulary increases daily and so does the clearness of her speech. Some of the vocabulary, however, isn't desireable for a two year old :o) Her favorite phrases these days are, "You dwiv-ah me nuts!", and "Whatev-oh". Nice...

Other news...Apparently, it isn't cold enough for us in Northeastern South Dakota, so we're moving to North Central Minnesota. Jim got a transfer/promotion with his company that is taking us to Bemidji, MN this spring. We're very excited to go to a new place. It's beautiful country and is a huge tourist attraction in the summer (The Mississippi River starts there and flows south to New Orleans). It will be hard to leave our friends, and move farther away from family, but we're up to the challenge and anxious for a new start.

I'm sure I have more to say, but at this time, none of it comes to mind...please keep your comments about "feeble minds" to yourselves ;). Sorry it's taken me so long to update, but there have been some changes at work, and I'm not able to "play" on the computer as often as I used to. I'll try to be back soon. Until then....

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A whole lot of nothing..

I was just looking back at my previous posts and noticed the Flixter Movie Compatability Test. If you haven't done it and you have some free time, take a look. It's fun and you can see what movies your friends are in to. The funny thing about that test is this...out of my friends that has responded, the one that that I have the least in common with is the one I used to watch the most movies with. I guess it shows how people change.

Speaking of people changing...have you ever made a decision that you thought was definately the right one, then question it later only to find that it's too late to reverse that decision without extreme consequences? Of course you have..everyone has, to a certain extent. Lately I find myself questioning alot of things. Some of them major, most of them minor, but still doubting myself. I hate that feeling. It makes me feel so...helpless. Don't worry, everything is fine, I just can't stand feeling that way so I thought I would vent to you..Lucky!

Through the magic of the internet and MySpace, I've recently been able to reconnect with friends that I have lost contact with over the years. I know MySpace gets a bad rap, and it's too bad because I think it's wonderful. It's a great..FREE way to find old friends. I've found people from High School, college and even some friends from my past that I thought I would never be able to communicate with again. I keep tabs on family and even "spy" on people that I know, but don't want them to know that I know how to contact them. Is that bad? Oh well, it's my little addiction. I've spent literally hours searching MySpace and everytime I do, it seems I find someone else I know. Sometimes I find them through the search engines that are available, but most I've found on a fluke...looking at someone's profile, then looking through their "friends". It's how I found my good friend Justin. FUN!!

What else do I know...not much. We went to Evie's school last night for registration and ran into her favorite friend from last year and his mother....who asked me if I was expecting... Crazy I guess that's a subtle sign from the gods that I need to go on a diet. AND, just when I've decided to NOT eat like a pig, I get free food at FAST-FOOD.

Well, I guess that's all the ranting I have for now...'till next time.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Here I am!!!

Ok, so I know it's been a while....a really long while since I posted. I could sit here and give you all sorts of lame excuses, but the fact of the matter is, I'm just plain lazy Sleeping

Actually, there hasn't really been that much to talk about. Ummmm...yesterday wrapped up the Brown County Fair for another year. This years entertainment lineup was really good, although I only got to see one night. I was able to see Taylor Swift with Craig Morgan, which was a really good show. I got to go backstage and meet the talented, young Taylor. She's only 17 years old and just since October, her debut CD has reached #1. She's also the youngest female country artist to have written or co-written all the songs on her album and have that album hit #1. She was very beautiful and talented. Her show was energetic and high spirited and I would recommend it to anyone. Here are some pics...

This is Taylor with her youngest fan, Gracie (11 weeks)

This is Jake. He LOVES Taylor Swift. He brought her a beautiful rose and a teddy bear. I've never seen an artist that was more appreciative.

And here I am with one of our other backstage winners. Quite possibly the grossest picture I've taken in a while, but whatever...

Friday night's entertainment was what they were calling the "Triple Threat Tour". It consisted of Restless Heart, Blackhawk, and Little Texas, and Saturday's headliner was Lonestar. I wasn't able to make it to either of these shows, but as it turns out it was better that way. I haven't heard very many positive things for either one and it rained all day Friday AND Saturday, making the concert area a complete mud bowl.
Let's see...what else...One of my close friends was in town during the past two weeks. I hung out with her a couple of weeks ago, doing what we do best...talking old times and drinkin' beer
Ladies Night

It was fun to see her again, but hell to pay the next day :o)
Not much else to report. I'm sure there are endless "kid funnies" that I could share, but because I didn't write them down when they happened, my old, feeble brain has misplaced them. Well,'s one from the other day...Evie was watching a cartoon that had a good guy and a bad guy. When I asked her who the bad guy was, she said, "That's the Nega-Chin. He's the Crimson Chin's arjenemy." I said, "Oh, his arch enemy?"..."No mom, his arJenemy." I guess the funniest thing about that is that when she "corrects" me like that, she does it so "matter of factly". **sigh**
Evie will start her second year of pre-school on the 4th of September, so she's very anxious for that. Just about every other day she asks if she's still on summer vacation and is disappointed when I tell her yes.
Isabelle is determined to have her way. She has two moods...happy and not happy 'till it's mine. Her vocabulary increases daily, but as it is with all toddlers, it's sometimes hard to determine what it is she wants. When she want's the product that Dorito's makes, she asks for a "cipth". Rather that put her lips together to make the "p" sound, her tongue comes out like the "th"'s all very confusing. I suppose you have to see it to understand.
So, I'm sorry for the short, crappy post...Oh, I almost forgot!! I decided that we needed some extra money (who doesn't, right), so I set out to find a part time job. I picked up a few applications, but only returned one to Minerva's Restaurant. It's the restaurant/lounge inside the Best Western here in town. It's a great place to eat with yummy food and a beautiful atmosphere. Anyway, I was really excited after my interview and was anxiously waiting for them to call me and tell me they couldn't live without me :). AFTER TWO WEEKS....and a few annoying phone calls from me, they finally agreed they couldn't live without me and I start next Monday. AWESOME!! I'm so excited. The tips that this place generates are incredible and I told them I would work my ass off whenever needed. Yes, it will suck trying to juggle work and family, but that's what happens when spending habits exceed income...
Well, that's about it for now. I guess I better go get the kids from daycare. Thank you for being patient, and please keep checking back.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Boobie Question

So, here is the story...

Lately, Evelyn has started to notice...well maybe she's noticed before, but she's starting to ask about boobs..."Mom, why does my doll have boobies?" I know it's normal, all little kids go through it because they're starting to notice that people are different. It doesn't make it any easier to answer.

Last week, Jim was giving Evie a shower when she said, "Daddy, why don't I have big boobies?", as she tried smushing her chest for cleavage. The conversation continued like this:

Jim: "I don't know, but please don't talk to Daddy about boobies."
Evie: "Why?"
Jim: "Because it makes Daddy uncomfortable. You can ask Mommy."
Evie: "Yeah, cuz' she has BIG BOOBIES."
Shy Whistler
I hate to be the one to disappoint her, so I think I'll just let her think that.

Aren't you glad you waited?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Try, try again

Hello Ok, ok...I'm still here. Truth is, I actually posted the other day but then had to go back in and make some corrections. Is it me, or does Blogger just hate me? EVERY SINGLE TIME I go back into a post to change something, it gives me a HUGE blank space at the top, and sometimes one at the bottom. I just got pissed and deleted it
Computer Smash So, I doubled up on my meds and here I am back for another go 'round. Just kiddin', I didn't double my meds, just took a couple of deep breaths and a week or so away from the site :o)

So much has happened since I posted last...there was the 4th of July swimming incident, fireworks, and the "boobie" talk. Shocked Yes, that's right.

We'll start with fireworks. On the Saturday before the 4th, some friends invited us to their place out in Bath to have supper and shoot off some fireworks. I worked for a while, then met up with Jim and the girls around 7pm. Heidi and Chad had gotten fireworks for their kids and ours and the girls (well, Evie) couldn't wait to play with them. They had all sorts of fun things for the girls...sparklers, morning glories, snaps and some fun little fountain things. Evie loved it all, but Izzie...not so much. Iz enjoyed the snaps, even though she couldn't quite throw them hard enough to pop, but that was about it. If it had any heat or sparkle to it she stayed away. The big kids had all sorts of cool stuff from rockets that blew colored smoke to HUGE artillery shells with really pretty displays. Again, Evie was thrilled with the colors and sounds, but Izzie wasn't such a huge fan. We had a really good time except when it was time to go home...Evelyn of course hadn't had a good time yet and therefore was not ready to leave. **sigh**

On the actual holiday, we went to the lake and met some friends who camp there. We've been meeting them there since Evie was about a year and a half. Last year, Jim took her fishing for the first time, so of course they had to go again this year. They didn't catch anything, but sure had fun trying. Izzie and I hung out at the camper..well, I hung, she entertained. She's so funny when she gets on a roll. Anyway, after we ate, we went down to the swimming area so the girls could play in the water before we headed home. Now..Evelyn isn't a big fan of the water, never has been so I wasn't sure what to expect with Isabelle. Afterall, this is the child who screams BLOODY MURDER when you wash her hair. As it turns out, she isn't at all afraid of large bodies of water. I didn't wear my suit because I didn't think I would have to do much more than wade in the shallow part next to shore. I guess I learned my lesson. Izzie was FEARLESS. She walked right in...and kept on walkin'. To hell with the fact that the water was up to her chin and she didn't have any sort of flotation device on. :o) It was exhausting.

I guess the boobie story is gonna' have to wait until next time. I have to run. I promise, I'll try to get it here tomorrow. Have a great night.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Hangin' with the Fam

Well, a fun time was definately had by all, and as always, when it was time to go, Evelyn "hadn't had fun yet." See, if you don't have fun by the time Mommy and Daddy say it's time to go, you have to stay longer until said fun has been had. This post will be a bit redundant for those of you who read Kerrie's blog, but here it goes...

This past weekend, we loaded up the kids and headed east to Milbank. My cousin, Holly, and her husband, Robert, who live in Florida, were having their son baptized at the church we all grew up in. So, we had a "mini" reunion. Holly's immediate family was there..from both sides..our grandparents who live in New Mexico were there, and Robert's mom and dad made the trek all the way from New York to be there as well. It was great fun to see everyone again. We caught up on each other's lives, reminisced about old times, and laughed and giggled like school girls. It was so much fun. Kerrie has more pictures on her blog, but here are a few that I have...

Here's Izzie, ready to do some shoppin'.

Me with my sister Kerrie and her daughter Claire

A Blocker/Wood/Goosen family picture..front to back..Jack, Nathan (Kerrie's kids) Evelyn...2nd Row: BJ (grandmother), Kerrie, Me, Mom...3rd Row: Claire (Kerrie's daughter) and Izzie...back row: Papa (grandfather), Justin (Kerrie's husband), Jim, Roger (step-father)

My family with Holly's son Alec.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Whole Lot of Nothing

Well, there's not really much to talk about today. Just a couple of kid funnies...

Evelyn: Mom, I don't want to get a sunburrs.
Me: Oh, you don't?
Evelyn: No. And if you go outside, you should use sunscream.
Me: That's right.
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If you visit my house, be careful when you use the bathroom...especially if you happen to be accompanied by Isabelle. It doesn't matter what you're doing on the potty, she crinkles up her nose and says, "Ewww...", then she covers her nose with the collar of her shirt and says, "Gohse".
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This morning after I got out of the shower, I dried off, put a towel on my head and went into our bedroom where everyone else was watching TV. Izzie was speaking "toddler-ese" to Jim, so I wasn't really paying attention until I heard him say, "Yep, mommy has a hat."

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Monday, June 18, 2007

Just Another Day in Paradise

Well, there isn't much to report today. Saturday was our 5th Anniversary. We didn't do much, just had some friends over for supper. They have a little girl who is 2 months older than Evelyn, so of course they're best buds. Evie loves it when Shaine comes to play...she finally gets someone her age to play with. I'm sensing she's getting tired of playing with Izzie, but that's another story. Anyway, when Shaine comes over the kids tear it up!!! They play hard, which usually means they sleep hard...yay :o) They played outside on the new swing set, then they played inside, then back outside, then I understand why my mother used to yell at us all the time about coming in and out. It didn't have anything to do with the A/C like she said it did, it does have everything to do with the fact that it's annoying as hell!!! ***GEESH*** Can someone please tell me why children behave badly when other children are around? It's seems that when there are other kids at our house, and it doesn't matter who those kids are, all rules completely fly out the window. It's like it's a free pass to be naughty. Oh well, I suppose "this too shall pass.".
I'm very much looking forward to this coming weekend. My cousin and her family from FL will be in Milbank to baptize their son. The best thing about it is that the entire family will be here. Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited to see Holly and Robert and to meet little Alec, but I'm just as anxious to see Holly's sisters and parents. I haven't seen them all together since Evelyn was about a year old. In addition, my grandparents will be there...yay!! They live in New Mexico, so I don't get to see them as often as I would like either. We all used to live in Milbank and do fun things together, then Bagauses got jobs with Disney and BJ and Papa got tired of shoveling snow. I can't wait for this weekend!!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Ready for the weekend!

"It's Finally Friday!"...the words of George Jones have never rung more true. After only working two days in the office last week, a full week of work was almost incomprehensible. But, as it turns out, I've survived...but only barely :o)
I don't really have much to report since the last time we spoke. Oh, I'm pretty sure I've lost my Mother Of The Year nomination...AGAIN! Hee, hee. Last week, on Sunday I think, the girls and I had to come to the radio station so I could get some work finished from the weekend. They get excited to come out to the station, especially lately. We have a cat that seems to have taken up residency here, which is great. We're located in the country, about 2 miles out of town, so having a cat around has really cut down on the critter population...snakes, mice, etc. Anyway, the girls love to come see Gus, as we've affectionately named him. Sunday was no different. We pulled up, got out of the van, gave Gus some love and came inside. Then when we were done...repeat in reverse order. The girls loved on the cat until I said it was time to go. Evelyn jumped in her seat and was ready to rock and roll, but not so much for Izzie. She LOVES Gus, and wasn't quite done petting him yet. She's also at that stage (Evelyn went through it too) where she doesn't listen and says no a lot..wait, do they ever grow out of that? :o) Anyway, I told her it was time to go, she said no, so I said, "OK, Bye!" and pretended to get in the van. That trick only works until she realizes you're bluffing, then she continues doing whatever it is she's doing. I tried it twice more and she still wouldn't come with me, so the third time I told her bye, got in the van....and shut the door. OH MY GOD!! Of course I wasn't going to leave her there, but you would have thought I had already driven out of the driveway. Izzie screamed no, but the thing that made me giggle (I'm not sure why) was that Evelyn screamed, "Mommy, no!" and started bawling her eyes out. I opened the door as soon as I shut it and tried to reassure Evie that we weren't going to leave her sister, but she could not be consoled...and all I could do was laugh. **sigh** I guess I'm gonna just have to shoot for Mom of the Year next year.

I'll leave you with an Evie funny. Last night in the bath tub, Evie noticed a little red bump near her knee that she said was itchy. I asked her if it was a mosquito bite, and she told me no, it was a "squito ma-bite". And, like the good mother that I am, I said, "What?"...just so she would repeat it. Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon icons

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Friday, June 8, 2007

No work, No cry.

Did you hear that?'s me, heaving a sigh of relief :o) Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I made the decision to help Tami while she was recuperating, but I had no idea how much work it was going to be. At the most, I had four kids to watch and two of them were my own. Tracy, and all you other moms out there that stay home, whether it's just your kids that you take care of, or yours and someone elses...KUDOS!!! I don't know how you guys do it. I think it takes a stronger woman than me to do that job. I have never been so happy to have a day off in my life :o)
Our day off was wonderful. Jim didn't have to leave for Sioux Falls until around 10:30-ish, so he was able to get up, get his stuff done, mow the yard (hee, hee), and still have time to play with the girls a little before he left. The kids never like to see Daddy go anywhere without them, so it was rough for a few minutes after he left but they got over it quickly. We didn't do much. Evie helped me fold some clothes (and she did a very good job!), we ate lunch, helped Tami run some errands, took naps, ate supper, and here we are. Over all, a pretty non-productive day, but sometimes those are the best days.
I took the kids to a friends house this evening so I could come to the station and get some weekend work done, and we discussed possibly having an outing to the park tomorrow. Sounds like fun, I hope it pans out.
There's not much else to report today, so I guess I better go get some work done. "Tune in next time for...A Day In The Life of a Fish" :o)

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Out of the mouths of babes

People always say "kids say the darnedest things", and for those of us with kids we know all too well how true that saying is. Yesterday, Evelyn asked me, "Mommy, why did Jesus die for our sins?". I stopped, did a double take and said, "What?" even though I heard her clearly the first time. I think that's a built in "mom reflex". It's used when you aren't sure how to respond to your child. I wasn't sure what to say, but the thoughts that were racing through my mind...Evie goes to a Lutheran pre-school, so she is taught those things there. I know I should take her to church...and it's not that I don't want to, the fact of the matter is, I'm just lazy and a little stingy with my Sunday mornings. Anyway, I'm not sure what triggered the question, possibly Tami's collection of Precious Moments figurines, but I answered it the best way I could. I told her Jesus died for our sins so we could go to heaven. It seemed to be the answer she was looking for, if she was looking for an answer. She said, "oh, that's right." and went about her business.

It's true that kids do say the darnedest things. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's embarrassing, then there are the times when it's so profound you're not sure how to respond. It's those times that leave me in wonder and amazement.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Finally, a day off...

WHEW!! What a relief it was to NOT have to get up at 5:30am, get in the shower, get kids ready and be at work at 7am...ish :o) I took the rest of the week off, yay me! Tami, our daycare lady and a close friend of mine had to have surgery this morning. She does so much for me and Jim, and for the kids so I wanted to help her out. Since I have paid vacation and she doesn't, I offered to stay home and take care of her daycare kids while she recovers. Trust me, I would much rather be here than at work. It's been so hectic at the office, that a few days off is more than me. So, here I sit with my two kids, and another. The extra one is 9 months old and sweet as can be. Tomorrow, I'll have mine, the baby and another little girl that is close to Evie's age, then it looks like the girls and I will have Friday all to ourselves. Jim will be out of town, and there won't be any kids at daycare. I hope the weather is nice so we can play outside or something. Maybe it will finally be nice enough to break out the Slip and Slide that Jim's sister gave Izzie for her birthday.
Have you ever noticed that your kids behave different ways around different people? I know everyone does it, big people included, but take my kids, for instance. There's the way they behave around me, which is sometimes less to be desired, and there is the way they behave around people they're less familiar with. Usually around people they're not familiar with, my kids are a little more reserved. I don't know why I thought they would act different today, but I did. There's no one here that they don't know well, so why should they act any different than any other day? I had also hoped that they wouldn't be any different considering it was me being the babysitter today and not Tami. That is also proving to be false. The kids started getting hungry a little before 11, so I made lunch right at 11:00. Fifteen minutes to eat, and they were done. Before we ate, they also started laying around like they were tired, so after lunch I laid them down. It is now 2:15, and still, not everyone is asleep. Evelyn, for whatever reason, is refusing to sleep. As I type this post, I look back over my shoulder at her and catch her watching me. Oh well, I guess it will be no movies and early to bed for a certain pre-schooler.
When I first had kids, it was suggested to me to "sleep when the baby sleeps". I'm proud to say, that I have heeded that advice every day possible for the last five or no baby :o) Now that some of the children are asleep, I'll see if I can sneak a few Z's myself. Until next time...

Sunday, June 3, 2007

People Are Cool!

We have a saying here at the radio station, "People Are Cool!". It's our code for "some people are morons." In a business like this, we get all sorts of ridiculous phone calls and emails. Since I answer the phones, I usually get the pleasure of fielding these annoyances. My biggest pet peeve is summer time..ok, not summer time per se, but the fact that kids are out of school and apparently they have nothing better to do than to call the radio station multiple times a day and request the same song...over and over. It's enough to make me wanna pull my hair out. I'm not sure why this is such an annoyance to me, but for some reason it absolutely drives me nuts.

Another phone call that I hate to get is the one where the person at the other end of the line wants to know if their event has been postponed or not. Now usually, I get these phone calls when the weather is not cooperative, but sometimes, people just call for the hell of see if their event is happening. Here's a hint..try calling your organization first because chances are, they have WAY more information than I do. For in Aberdeen, they have stock car races every Friday night during the summer time, weather permitting. There was some rain earlier this week that prompted the promoter to pull his advertising temporarily until he knew for sure the track was going to be ready. Friday came and we ran the commercials saying that there would be races that night. Sure as s*#^&, I got between 10-15 phone calls asking me if there were going to be races. I know it's easier to pick up the phone and call someone than it is to keep your attention span on the radio for 15-20 minutes, but gee whiz!! If these commercials were sporadically scheduled and didn't play very often, I could understand some one's impatience, but these ads are heavily, HEAVILY played on all six of our stations. It's exhausting.

I know I should try to be more patient, but nothing is more frustrating than promoting the fact that we have those sorts of updates as soon as they become available, both on the air and on our website. Really, if you had an event that you had to be at, say for instance a sporting event for your child, wouldn't you try to call other parents, or perhaps look on the paperwork that you got when you signed your kid up for that sport and see if there is a contact number for inclement weather? I'm sure I'm overreacting, and probably suffering from a severe bout of PMS, but, come on people! I think I am more than ready for a vacation!

CrazyGreat, now that I'm all riled up, blogger is pissing me off too!! What the heck happened to my font? I better stop while I'm ahead. I promise I will medicate myself over the next few hours and be better next time!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Our New Friend...kinda'

This is the Harness Buddy. I'm introducing him to you because he has become my new best friend...not so much for Isabelle. :o) I swore, before I had children, that when I had children I would NEVER put them in such a contraption. Then along came Izzie...and she became mobile. It is virtually impossible for me to shop by myself with the girls in tow. A couple of weeks ago, the kids and I were at Target doing some shopping. Izzie refuses to sit in the cart, so I let her walk and "help" push. That seems to be fine for a few minutes, then she slowly turns around to see if I'm looking at her and if I'm not she takes of in a sprint. By the time I realize she's gone, she's 50+ yards away. Now, I don't know if you've seen me lately, but I am in NO shape to be chasing after kids in a dead sprint!! After that happened a few times, I stomped over to the ailse where I knew the Harness Buddy would be waiting, snatched it off the shelf and marched to the checkout counter. Oh no, I wasn't done shopping yet, but I was also winded and pissed after chasing after a 2 yr old. I slammed the item on the counter and told the girl that I needed to pay for just that one thing...NOW..oh, and can you please cut it out of the box :o).

So, Izzie's Harness Buddy is a puppy. It fastens in the front, and the puppy is on her back like a back pack. She thought it was great fun at first, until she realized that I was controlling her with the tether. After that, she thought it pretty much sucked! Not only did she not want to ride in the cart, she no longer wanted to walk anymore, thus ended our shopping spree. The moral to the story, never say never...again!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Not As Easy As I Thought

When I started this blog, I thought, "hmm...if Kerrie can do it, so can I". Guess I was wrong :o) I find myself wanting to post, but then either not having the time, or not having anything to say. So, my resolution is to try to do better.

I got this cute little dress for Evie the other day. It's red with white polka dots, and it's a halter style dress. She wanted to wear it to school yesterday. Partly because it's new, mostly because there is a little boy at school that she tries to impress on a daily basis. "Mommy, Tami painted my nails today. I hope Nicholas loves it.", "No, I don't want my hair in a pony. Nicholas likes it down.". Um...y-e-a-h. She was convinced yesterday that Nicholas was gonna love her new dress, and whether he did or not, I don't know. But, the simple fact that she's all of four years old and hopelessly in love with little boys gives me a heart attack. Tami (our daycare lady) told Evie that she looked beautiful in her new dress. Little "Miss Thang" quickly responded, "no, not beautiful...distinguished". Oh, well...thanks for that clarification.

Isabelle continues to try our patience on a daily basis. She's cute as a button, but has her daddy's temper and patience, God bless her. When she wants something, she wants it yesterday, and if you don't get it for her immediately, then her eyes roll back in her head and the arms and legs start flailing. Who knew that two children from the same two people could be so completely different. I mean, I know people are different, and I know that siblings are different, but holy cow!! Ok, even though she sounds like a monster, she has a good heart. She says "hi" to just about anyone we meet (mostly older people. Evie did that too) and she loves most people she gets to know. But sometimes, OYE!!

Thursday, May 17, 2007


So, I really don't have much to say today, but I thought I should just log in and say hello. The kids are well, but I'm having a hard time getting Evelyn to go to sleep. I suppose that's our own fault for letting her get into some bad habits. We leave the TV on when we go to sleep and rather than letting that help her to sleep, she has to watch the entire program, movie, whatever. Last night it was close to 10:30 when she finally got tired of us raggin' on her. Needless to say, waking her up in the morning is far from pleasant. We usually get an "I'm tired", or "My tummy (or some other body part) hurts", she cries when she has to brush her teeth and hair...It's frustrating. Don't get me wrong, I take complete and total responsibilty..I just don't know how to fix it. I'm open to suggestions, if anyone has any...PLEASE .

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Still here...

Well, I'm still here, in case you were wondering :). I started to post Thursday, then got busy with work and had to shut it down...without saving, of course. Since then, my days have been nothing but hectic, so trying to remember what I typed is useless.

In the days since the flooding, the whole community has pulled together to help. Not just the community of Aberdeen, but the entire county, surrounding areas and the eastern side of the state as a whole. Thursday evening we (the radio station) co-hosted a telethon with one of the local TV stations. It was on the air for two hours, but pledges were being taken for 24 hours total. After the two hour show on tv and radio, the total was around $50K. By ten p.m. the total had risen to $70K, and yesterday at 5pm, the grand total was just a little over $92K!!! Incredible. Yesterday they started marking homes as condemned, which is a little sad. It puts the devestation into perspective, I suppose. Please keep all those affected by the storms in your thoughts and prayers.

Last weekend we went to a birthday party. Of course there was cake, and of course Evelyn had some...then some more :). She complained the next morning of a tummy ache and a cavity. I asked her if she knew what a cavity was and she told me that "a cavity is when you eat too much birthday cake.". Well, um, yes I suppose that is true. Out of the mouths of babes.

Since the flooding last week, we have not been able to wash clothes at home. **sigh** I really hate doing laundry at the laundromat. Our washer and dryer is a big reason we moved into this house. It's just such a pain in the ass hauling clothes and detergent there, waiting with nothing to do while they wash, then paying a freakin' FORTUNE to dry them. Holy cow! And, it takes forever. I took some clothes to wash on Tuesday night at about 7:30. I got home at 11:35!! That's ridiculous. I absolutely can't wait to get back to some sort of sence of normalcy.

There's not much on the agenda today, except trying to get stuff cleaned up. There is still a bunch of work that needs to be done in the basement, but until we hear from the landlord we are kinda at a standstill. Have mercy!!

Monday, May 7, 2007

That's Enough, Thanks!

Ask and ye shall receive...and receive...and keep on receivin'. Late Saturday afternoon it started to rain. Then it just kept comin'. I think in the Aberdeen area, we ended up with 9-10". Needless to say, there is some severe flooding goin' on around here. Unfortunately, our house was not spared. We ended up with about 6-8" in the basement. Jim was able to find a couple of sump pumps late Sunday evening, but the water seems to still be seeping in. **sigh** I guess we're in for a long week of cleaning up. Even though we got alot of water, we were lucky compared to some people in town. I'm going to try to attach some pictures so you can get an idea:

The picture above was taken on the north end of town (we live on the south side). The cars are parked at a curb, on a sidewalk that goes in front of an apartment building. The railing is leading to the front door.

Here is another one of someone's basement. The caption on this photo said that these people got 5 FEET of water. Um...I think I'll stay with the 6-8" that I got, thank you! These pictures, by the way, are from don' t really have much else to report. I do have a couple of cute kids stories, I guess, but I think I'll save those for tomorrow. See you then!

Friday, May 4, 2007

Well, here goes nothing...

I always thought.."I'm not gonna start a blog." Not because I don't like it, but because I didn't think I had anything to say. Then my sister, Kerrie advised one of her friends to just take the plunge and do it...If you start it, thoughts will come :) So, here I am.

I guess I'll start with a little game of "catch-up", for those of you who have lost touch or are new to my life..welcome :). I work at a radio station..wait, I work for do I say it..I do work for a radio "station", for lack of a better word for the building. We house six radio stations with all different formats ranging from ESPN radio, to country, to rock. My title is "Traffic Manager", but I do a bunch of different things. Traffic Manager means that I'm responsible for making sure that the commercials are produced and in their proper spot in the computer system. I also answer the phone, help walk in clients and customers, and I have two radio shows. One is on our country station (103.7 FM, if you're ever in the area) and another on our smooth AC station which plays adult contemporary stuff from 70's - today (97.7 FM). I work alot...ALOT...but I really enjoy my job, and all the perks that come with it. (It's how Kerrie and I got to meet Keith Urban).

My husband Jim and I have been together for..holy cow, 11 years, and married for almost 6. We have two beautiful girls. Evelyn Margaret is 4, and Isabelle Marie will be two on the 27th of this month. They definately keep us on our toes. I know people are different, but I never imagined that two people with similar DNA could be so opposite of one another. Evelyn is shy and a little reserved, but Isabelle is "hell on wheels", as Kerrie likes to say. I'm sure you'll get to know them well. They are the joy of my life, even though I wonder why somedays, HA!

So, that's a little bit of background. I look forward to meeting all you bloggers out there. Feel free to visit anytime.