Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Try, try again

Hello Ok, ok...I'm still here. Truth is, I actually posted the other day but then had to go back in and make some corrections. Is it me, or does Blogger just hate me? EVERY SINGLE TIME I go back into a post to change something, it gives me a HUGE blank space at the top, and sometimes one at the bottom. I just got pissed and deleted it
Computer Smash So, I doubled up on my meds and here I am back for another go 'round. Just kiddin', I didn't double my meds, just took a couple of deep breaths and a week or so away from the site :o)

So much has happened since I posted last...there was the 4th of July swimming incident, fireworks, and the "boobie" talk. Shocked Yes, that's right.

We'll start with fireworks. On the Saturday before the 4th, some friends invited us to their place out in Bath to have supper and shoot off some fireworks. I worked for a while, then met up with Jim and the girls around 7pm. Heidi and Chad had gotten fireworks for their kids and ours and the girls (well, Evie) couldn't wait to play with them. They had all sorts of fun things for the girls...sparklers, morning glories, snaps and some fun little fountain things. Evie loved it all, but Izzie...not so much. Iz enjoyed the snaps, even though she couldn't quite throw them hard enough to pop, but that was about it. If it had any heat or sparkle to it she stayed away. The big kids had all sorts of cool stuff from rockets that blew colored smoke to HUGE artillery shells with really pretty displays. Again, Evie was thrilled with the colors and sounds, but Izzie wasn't such a huge fan. We had a really good time except when it was time to go home...Evelyn of course hadn't had a good time yet and therefore was not ready to leave. **sigh**

On the actual holiday, we went to the lake and met some friends who camp there. We've been meeting them there since Evie was about a year and a half. Last year, Jim took her fishing for the first time, so of course they had to go again this year. They didn't catch anything, but sure had fun trying. Izzie and I hung out at the camper..well, I hung, she entertained. She's so funny when she gets on a roll. Anyway, after we ate, we went down to the swimming area so the girls could play in the water before we headed home. Now..Evelyn isn't a big fan of the water, never has been so I wasn't sure what to expect with Isabelle. Afterall, this is the child who screams BLOODY MURDER when you wash her hair. As it turns out, she isn't at all afraid of large bodies of water. I didn't wear my suit because I didn't think I would have to do much more than wade in the shallow part next to shore. I guess I learned my lesson. Izzie was FEARLESS. She walked right in...and kept on walkin'. To hell with the fact that the water was up to her chin and she didn't have any sort of flotation device on. :o) It was exhausting.

I guess the boobie story is gonna' have to wait until next time. I have to run. I promise, I'll try to get it here tomorrow. Have a great night.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Holy cats!! I would have freaked out. I always get scared of my children drowning. Even in the bathtub. I know...retarded. But true.