Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A whole lot of nothing..

I was just looking back at my previous posts and noticed the Flixter Movie Compatability Test. If you haven't done it and you have some free time, take a look. It's fun and you can see what movies your friends are in to. The funny thing about that test is this...out of my friends that has responded, the one that that I have the least in common with is the one I used to watch the most movies with. I guess it shows how people change.

Speaking of people changing...have you ever made a decision that you thought was definately the right one, then question it later only to find that it's too late to reverse that decision without extreme consequences? Of course you have..everyone has, to a certain extent. Lately I find myself questioning alot of things. Some of them major, most of them minor, but still doubting myself. I hate that feeling. It makes me feel so...helpless. Don't worry, everything is fine, I just can't stand feeling that way so I thought I would vent to you..Lucky!

Through the magic of the internet and MySpace, I've recently been able to reconnect with friends that I have lost contact with over the years. I know MySpace gets a bad rap, and it's too bad because I think it's wonderful. It's a great..FREE way to find old friends. I've found people from High School, college and even some friends from my past that I thought I would never be able to communicate with again. I keep tabs on family and even "spy" on people that I know, but don't want them to know that I know how to contact them. Is that bad? Oh well, it's my little addiction. I've spent literally hours searching MySpace and everytime I do, it seems I find someone else I know. Sometimes I find them through the search engines that are available, but most I've found on a fluke...looking at someone's profile, then looking through their "friends". It's how I found my good friend Justin. FUN!!

What else do I know...not much. We went to Evie's school last night for registration and ran into her favorite friend from last year and his mother....who asked me if I was expecting... Crazy I guess that's a subtle sign from the gods that I need to go on a diet. AND, just when I've decided to NOT eat like a pig, I get free food at FAST-FOOD.

Well, I guess that's all the ranting I have for now...'till next time.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE MySpace, but I've also becomed addicted to Facebook. I love MySpace because I can "spy" on people as long at their profile isn't set to private. You can't do that on Facebook. You have to be someone's friend to see their profile, but you can do other things on Facebook like play Scrabble. I've become obsessed with Scrabble!

Tracy said...

How does a person find someone on MySpace?? Hmmmm...I might have to check that out!!

Kerrie said...

I know you love it, but I just can't get into it. Had I done it before I got into blogging then maybe I'd feel different. I don't know - just not my bag I guess.

Nicole said...

Shannon, I've been thinking about you all day! Happy birthday!

the Film Flunky said...

MySpace ROCKS!!! :D I never would have imagined I could chat with you again! And we got so little time to hang when we were at the Playhouse!!!