Thursday, June 7, 2007

Out of the mouths of babes

People always say "kids say the darnedest things", and for those of us with kids we know all too well how true that saying is. Yesterday, Evelyn asked me, "Mommy, why did Jesus die for our sins?". I stopped, did a double take and said, "What?" even though I heard her clearly the first time. I think that's a built in "mom reflex". It's used when you aren't sure how to respond to your child. I wasn't sure what to say, but the thoughts that were racing through my mind...Evie goes to a Lutheran pre-school, so she is taught those things there. I know I should take her to church...and it's not that I don't want to, the fact of the matter is, I'm just lazy and a little stingy with my Sunday mornings. Anyway, I'm not sure what triggered the question, possibly Tami's collection of Precious Moments figurines, but I answered it the best way I could. I told her Jesus died for our sins so we could go to heaven. It seemed to be the answer she was looking for, if she was looking for an answer. She said, "oh, that's right." and went about her business.

It's true that kids do say the darnedest things. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's embarrassing, then there are the times when it's so profound you're not sure how to respond. It's those times that leave me in wonder and amazement.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

I honestly have NO IDEA how to answer questions like that. I am always "afraid" I will say the wrong thing. Dawson doesn't forget ANYTHING so the bad thing is he'll probably tell somebody that they are wrong because MY MOMMY SAID SO. UGH!