Saturday, May 12, 2007

Still here...

Well, I'm still here, in case you were wondering :). I started to post Thursday, then got busy with work and had to shut it down...without saving, of course. Since then, my days have been nothing but hectic, so trying to remember what I typed is useless.

In the days since the flooding, the whole community has pulled together to help. Not just the community of Aberdeen, but the entire county, surrounding areas and the eastern side of the state as a whole. Thursday evening we (the radio station) co-hosted a telethon with one of the local TV stations. It was on the air for two hours, but pledges were being taken for 24 hours total. After the two hour show on tv and radio, the total was around $50K. By ten p.m. the total had risen to $70K, and yesterday at 5pm, the grand total was just a little over $92K!!! Incredible. Yesterday they started marking homes as condemned, which is a little sad. It puts the devestation into perspective, I suppose. Please keep all those affected by the storms in your thoughts and prayers.

Last weekend we went to a birthday party. Of course there was cake, and of course Evelyn had some...then some more :). She complained the next morning of a tummy ache and a cavity. I asked her if she knew what a cavity was and she told me that "a cavity is when you eat too much birthday cake.". Well, um, yes I suppose that is true. Out of the mouths of babes.

Since the flooding last week, we have not been able to wash clothes at home. **sigh** I really hate doing laundry at the laundromat. Our washer and dryer is a big reason we moved into this house. It's just such a pain in the ass hauling clothes and detergent there, waiting with nothing to do while they wash, then paying a freakin' FORTUNE to dry them. Holy cow! And, it takes forever. I took some clothes to wash on Tuesday night at about 7:30. I got home at 11:35!! That's ridiculous. I absolutely can't wait to get back to some sort of sence of normalcy.

There's not much on the agenda today, except trying to get stuff cleaned up. There is still a bunch of work that needs to be done in the basement, but until we hear from the landlord we are kinda at a standstill. Have mercy!!

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