Friday, June 20, 2008


I don't have anything in particular to write about, so I'll just ramble about what's been going on since last time. :)

Hmmm... I guess not too much is happening. I think they've finally found a spot for me here at the radio station. The PD told me this morning that he's waiting for final confirmation on Monday morning, so hopefully I'll have more to report on that next week. Until then, I just do what I can to look busy. Actually, I've kind of become the "back up" copy writer which means that I help write commercials and distribute them for production, so that's something I guess.

At home things have been interesting... well, actually one night in particular was interesting, hee-hee. For some reason I stayed up way later than I normally do, watching TV I'm sure. Anyway, as I was getting out of the chair to go to bed, Jim got up for a snack and was going to watch some TV for a bit. So, I went to bed... and let me mention that I was BEYOND tired. About 30-45 minutes later, Jim yells at me from the living room to come in there. I was in that "not awake, but not asleep" stage of rest, so rather than jump right up, I asked him what he wanted. He told me he thought we had a mouse as he had seen a "brown streak" run across the doorway that goes from the living room to the kitchen. Fabulous. Grogggily, I told him "ok" and rolled over. Long story short, he decided to run to Wal-Mart for some mouse traps. Oh, and did I mention yet that he was behaving like such a girl :-)? He has a thing with mice the same way some people have a thing with snakes or spiders, he just doesn't like them. Anyway, he came back from the store, baited the traps and came back to bed. I should mention that he said he saw this thing run behind the stove, and after hearing the little scratch of little feet we confirmed that was indeed where it was. The stove is also just outside of our bedroom, which has no door. Obviously, that's also where he set the traps... yes trapS, just in case. At about 4 something, I heard one of the traps SNAP. "Yay, that didn't take too long, problem resolved".... until about 4:30 when I heard the other trap SNAP then rattle around. "Oh shit, there is a mouse dragging a stupid trap all over the kitchen". So, I made Jim get up and check it out. Sure enough, one mouse had met his demise, but the other sneaky bastard was caught by his front right paw. Once again, Jim shuddered like a girl and wondered how to dispose of the little critters, because heaven forbid he TOUCH the trap :) He used the tongs. I found it pretty amusing... big tough man letting little mice give him the heebie-jeebies.

The girls are well. They slept through the mice experience, but learned of it when we told them that mouse traps aren't to play with. (I had visions of Isabelle with multiple broken fingers.) They're glad that summer has finally come the the NorthWoods and they can play outside in their swimsuits at daycare.

Jim is in Aberdeen this weekend, so the girls and I are having a fun girl weekend. I'm not sure what we'll do, but part of it includes cleaning the house. I'm sure that will be fun...

We're also waiting to hear from my dad what his schedule is looking like. He's doing some work in WY and will have a chance to go to SD for a visit. Whenever he does that, we'll all head down to Kerrie's and meet him there. I am beyond excited. I haven't seen him since Nathan was born (he's 6 now) and my kids have never met him. They're so sweet though. I've told them that we might get to see "Papa Wood" and Evie keeps saying that she misses him so much. (I may have said that in an earlier post now that I think of it)

Other than that, we're just hangin' out. I'm hoping to get back to Aberdeen sometime in July... kind of a Mommy get-a-way, but we'll have to see what's going on I guess. Not much more to report right now, so I guess I'll get back to work :)

1 comment:

Kerrie said...

"but the other sneaky bastard was caught by his front right paw" --I laughed out loud when I read that.

Eww, Eww, Eww and EWW!

Tell Jim that he probably just killed Remy. I hope he can live with what he's done. ;)