Friday, June 6, 2008

What is going on?

Well, I've been trying for three, count 'em THREE days to try and get this new layout and background to work... every time I try, I get posts that overlap and my "about me" stuff shows up at the bottom of the page.  It's absolutely infuriating!!!  If you know how to fix that please tell me before I wreck all the computers in the building :)  

OK, now that's out of my system.  **sigh**  So much has happened since I posted last.  The New Year, Valentine's Day, Easter, and we finally got moved to Bemidji.  For those of you that didn't know, we found out that Jim was being transfered here back in November.  We finally got packed up and moved on March 1.  
We found a nice little rental at the end of 10th St.  There is an empty lot next to us that we keep mowed, so there's tons of room for the kids to play.  There's also critters that come along with living in the Northwoods.  We have a family of deer that visit us often.  Jim got pictures of them while they were only yards from the window.  We also have some rabbits that hang around and beautiful birds (which Izzie continuously wants to pet).   It's tons of fun.  
Jim's job is coming along well.  They're making strides in the community and surrounding area.  I didn't work for the first two months we were here.  Unfortunately, radio is not a profession you can just walk into and say, "Hey, here I am... hire me!!"  Around the middle of April, I was hired full time at a restaurant (Green Mill) that is similar to the restaurant I worked at in Aberdeen.  The second week in May, I was offered a full time position at RP Broadcasting.  They have four stations (3 FM's and 1 AM)  Anyway, I'm doing some of the same things I was doing in Aberdeen for just a little less pay (a little more than $160/month less), but Jim's pay raise makes up for it.  I'm enjoying it more each day and the people are really nice.  I will also keep minimal part time hours at the restaurant for a little extra income.
The girls seem to be adjusting well... as well as can be expected.  Evelyn will start Kindergarten in the fall and Isabelle will go to pre-school.  They are both very excited.  I debated on wether or not to send Izzie to school in the fall.  She sometimes has a problem playing nice with other kids and following instructions.. to say that she is headstrong is a little of an understatement,  but I think she'll be fine by the time September rolls around.  She seems to be changing daily!  They go to daycare at "Jennifer's House" and they love it.  Jen and her husband have four girls, two of them are the same age as Ev and Iz, so they enjoy being around all the new kids.  Jennifer has mentioned that she thinks Evie is having a hard time adjusting.  She says she mentions that she misses her old school and her old friends alot.  I guess I don't doubt that she does miss those things.  I'm hoping that once school starts it will help to take her mind off of it.
Isabelle turned 3 on May 27.  It was quite an event.  Jim's parents came up for the weekend after Memorial Day to celebrate, and brought Jacob (our nephew who lives in Alexandria), and Mom and Roger were able to make it as well.  My mom and Roger had never been to this part of the country, so it was exciting for them to be able to drive around.  The next time they come we will hopefully be able to do the "tourist" thing.  Iz was so excited to open the presents and very good at saying "tane-tyu" to everyone that was there.  I made her cake and decorated it myself.  Now, understand that I think I am much more crafty than I actually am, so I bought a cake decorating kit to try.  I called my step-mother to get her frosting recipe and took off.  It didn't turn out too bad.  As soon as I figure out how to post pics on this 'puter (it's a Mac), then I'll try and get some on.
I guess that's all I have to say right now.  I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting, but I'll include that at a later date.  OH!!!  How could I forget this.... My dad will be in Wyoming for work, so we might have a chance to see him.  He will have some downtime while the engine (he is a project supervisor for a company that repairs and rebuilds oil rig engines) is being repaired in TX so he will travel to my sisters house and we'll meet there!!  I'm very excited, especially since my kids have never been able to meet him.  I'll be sure to keep you posted on that as well.
THAT'S all there is for now, I'm sure.  Have a great weekend and we'll talk again soon.

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