Wednesday, June 11, 2008


When I got into radio seven years ago, I wouldn't have believed anyone that told me they didn't have anything to do. It seemed there was always something for me to do. Here in Bemidji... um, not so much.

I don't have a "set" air shift yet. I'm on right now from 9am-10am (which is better than nothing, I guess). The Program Director says he doesn't want to put me in a time slot that he can 't commit to for at least 90 days. Who am I to argue? Even though I've been in the business for seven years, this is only the second radio group I've worked for. I guess I don't know the "norm" for most PD's and General Managers because things in Aberdeen were done so differently than they are here. I'm not saying one way is better than the other, just different. So, anyway... here I sit everyday with essentially nothing to do. Occasionally a piece of production will float my way, or someone will give me an odd job that needs to be done. Other than that I just walk around aimlessly looking for something to do, 'cause let's face it... there are only so many things I want to look at on-line :) It bothers me though. Most days I feel like I'm in the way. This group is not as busy as Aberdeen as far as sales goes. Bemidji is about half the size of Aberdeen, so I suppose that's a contributing reason. Let me clarify... I'm not unhappy here. The people are really nice and I'm thankful they are giving me the opportunity to stay in the business. It's just a frustrating time. Hopefully they'll find a permanent spot for me soon.

1 comment:

Kerrie said...

At least it gives you time to blog - which I appreciate. =0)