Monday, June 9, 2008


Sometimes Jim and I often wonder if Isabelle is really ours, or some demon seed planted in my womb by the devil himself!!  Of course I'm kidding, but as Jim says, to say she's challenging is an understatement.  She's not always naughty of course, so I guess it's safe to say that overall, she's a good girl, but Lord does she have her moments.  She's not very good at taking no for an answer.  This may be a wonderful trait for her later as she's trying to move up the ladder of life, but while she's three... well, it's just exhausting.  I know it's typical of all (most) three year olds, but she's been perfecting this art since she was about 20 months or so.  Since she could talk, her favorite word to say has been no.  "Isabelle, put that book away." ..... "NO!".... "Izzie, can you share that with sissie?" .... "NO!", etc.  On the other side of that coin, Kerrie's husband once said that when she grows up, Izzie will think her name is "Izzie-no-no".  PRECOCIOUS!!!  That's the perfect word for her.  
Now, every coin has a flip side.  She says the funniest things, like most 3 year olds.  If she needs you to listen to her and ONLY her, she'll tell you she "need to tell you someping", she "yoves" everything and most people, and if it's funny she'll squeak out the sweetest, fake laugh at a pitch level that makes dogs howl.  Lately, she has alot of "gwate ideas!".
Yes, she's really no different than most brand new three year olds and as trying as it is somedays, we wouldn't trade our Izzie-Bizzie for the world. 

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