Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Beprensing, EVIE!!!

Yes, you read it right. I have a cousin that used to "present" herself that way ("Beprensing KATIE!!") and Evelyn said the same thing when she was younger. I figured that since I dedicated yesterday to Izzie, today should be about Ev. Wow, where do I start..?

It didn't take long after Evelyn was born before we realized that she was going to be alot like me. She has many of the same mannerisms that I have, and my mother tells people that if she had lighter hair she would be a "mini-Shannon". Now don't get me wrong, she was a typical young toddler just like Izzie is turning out to be, but Evie seemed to be a little more mellow and sensitive (and is still that way). She loves just about everyone she meets... especially boys. Now... I remember being very boy crazy when I was younger, but I don't remember it starting when I was 5 1/2!! She had a crush, I guess that's what you would call it, on a little boy in her pre-school class. His name is Nicolas. Every day after school there was always a story about Nicolas, and I think the feeling was mutual. They played together everyday. The next year of pre-school there was Ashton (after all, Nicolas had moved on to Kindergarten). I don't know how much Evie "loved" Ashton, but it was very evident that he "LOVED" her. When we got to school, Ashton was always the first to literally RUN up to her and give her the biggest, squishiest hug ever! It was so sweet.

She doesn't always limit herself to concrete loves. When she became interested in TV and what was on, we watched alot (and still do) of Nickelodeon.... Spongebob Squarepants, The Fairly OddParents, The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, and Danny Phantom. At the same time, she was developing a vivid imagination. Like most kids, her playtime was based on what she knew... and what she knew was Danny Phantom. So, he became her boyfriend. She would try to re-enact different episodes, or just play house but her partner no matter what she was doing was Danny. One day (recently, actually) she was getting ready to get in the shower and advised me that Danny would need to shower too. Um... no, Danny can wait. Lord help us!!

Evie is also very emotional. I remember when I was right around her age, I watched "Snoopy Come Home" on TV. In case you haven't seen it, or you don't remember, Snoopy leaves Charlie Brown to go visit his former owner and decides he needs to stay with her. Anyway, I remember it vividly because it was so sad... I bawled my eyes out! Evelyn is the same way. She cried when she thought The Beast died in "Beauty and the Beast", she even cried when Spiderman's friend Harry died in Spiderman 3 (sorry for the spoiler if you haven't seen it yet). She cries of course when she doesn't get her way, when it's time to go (usually because she "hasn't had fun yet"... you can't leave if it wasn't fun), and when she's in trouble. Sometimes her tender heart is endearing but she also knows how to use it to her advantage.

She's a good girl, they both are, and like every little boy and girl she has her good and bad side. I guess when you have kids you just learn to accept the good with the bad... unconditionaly.

1 comment:

Kerrie said...

I love that you're blogging more. Keep it up, please!!