Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Hangin' with the Fam

Well, a fun time was definately had by all, and as always, when it was time to go, Evelyn "hadn't had fun yet." See, if you don't have fun by the time Mommy and Daddy say it's time to go, you have to stay longer until said fun has been had. This post will be a bit redundant for those of you who read Kerrie's blog, but here it goes...

This past weekend, we loaded up the kids and headed east to Milbank. My cousin, Holly, and her husband, Robert, who live in Florida, were having their son baptized at the church we all grew up in. So, we had a "mini" reunion. Holly's immediate family was there..from both sides..our grandparents who live in New Mexico were there, and Robert's mom and dad made the trek all the way from New York to be there as well. It was great fun to see everyone again. We caught up on each other's lives, reminisced about old times, and laughed and giggled like school girls. It was so much fun. Kerrie has more pictures on her blog, but here are a few that I have...

Here's Izzie, ready to do some shoppin'.

Me with my sister Kerrie and her daughter Claire

A Blocker/Wood/Goosen family picture..front to back..Jack, Nathan (Kerrie's kids) Evelyn...2nd Row: BJ (grandmother), Kerrie, Me, Mom...3rd Row: Claire (Kerrie's daughter) and Izzie...back row: Papa (grandfather), Justin (Kerrie's husband), Jim, Roger (step-father)

My family with Holly's son Alec.


Kerrie said...

It was so much fun!

Anonymous said...

We had such a great time. I'm so glad you all made it out!!

Kerrie said...

Did anyone tell you that it's no longer June? Post already!!!!