Thursday, May 31, 2007

Our New Friend...kinda'

This is the Harness Buddy. I'm introducing him to you because he has become my new best friend...not so much for Isabelle. :o) I swore, before I had children, that when I had children I would NEVER put them in such a contraption. Then along came Izzie...and she became mobile. It is virtually impossible for me to shop by myself with the girls in tow. A couple of weeks ago, the kids and I were at Target doing some shopping. Izzie refuses to sit in the cart, so I let her walk and "help" push. That seems to be fine for a few minutes, then she slowly turns around to see if I'm looking at her and if I'm not she takes of in a sprint. By the time I realize she's gone, she's 50+ yards away. Now, I don't know if you've seen me lately, but I am in NO shape to be chasing after kids in a dead sprint!! After that happened a few times, I stomped over to the ailse where I knew the Harness Buddy would be waiting, snatched it off the shelf and marched to the checkout counter. Oh no, I wasn't done shopping yet, but I was also winded and pissed after chasing after a 2 yr old. I slammed the item on the counter and told the girl that I needed to pay for just that one thing...NOW..oh, and can you please cut it out of the box :o).

So, Izzie's Harness Buddy is a puppy. It fastens in the front, and the puppy is on her back like a back pack. She thought it was great fun at first, until she realized that I was controlling her with the tether. After that, she thought it pretty much sucked! Not only did she not want to ride in the cart, she no longer wanted to walk anymore, thus ended our shopping spree. The moral to the story, never say never...again!


Kerrie said...

OMG - that CRACKED me up!!!!!!!!!!

Tracy said...

Kerrie finally told me you have a BLOG! Yeah!!! I will be checking in on you! WELCOME...

Shannon said...

Thanks Trac!

RayJay said...

I just finished catching up on all your blog entries AND I LOVE THEM!!!

Please keep it up! :D You won't be able to write fast enough for me, lol. The way you view stuff, and then the way you translate what you see for us is FUN!!!

Thanks for this!

Ray Jay :D

Anonymous said...

Hello!?!?!?! You've had a blog since May 4, and you finally told us about it now???? What's that about???? :-P Well, at least, I'm here now!!!

I CANNOT wait to meet the girls. I, too, have vowed to never use a "leash" on my children, but I know that, obviously, certain situations call for extreme measures. Hope it helps!!

Kerrie said...

I got the funniest feeling in my stomach when I saw Ray! Wow! :)

Shannon said...

I KNOW, Ker. Isn't it fun to see people from our past? :o)