Friday, June 15, 2007

Ready for the weekend!

"It's Finally Friday!"...the words of George Jones have never rung more true. After only working two days in the office last week, a full week of work was almost incomprehensible. But, as it turns out, I've survived...but only barely :o)
I don't really have much to report since the last time we spoke. Oh, I'm pretty sure I've lost my Mother Of The Year nomination...AGAIN! Hee, hee. Last week, on Sunday I think, the girls and I had to come to the radio station so I could get some work finished from the weekend. They get excited to come out to the station, especially lately. We have a cat that seems to have taken up residency here, which is great. We're located in the country, about 2 miles out of town, so having a cat around has really cut down on the critter population...snakes, mice, etc. Anyway, the girls love to come see Gus, as we've affectionately named him. Sunday was no different. We pulled up, got out of the van, gave Gus some love and came inside. Then when we were done...repeat in reverse order. The girls loved on the cat until I said it was time to go. Evelyn jumped in her seat and was ready to rock and roll, but not so much for Izzie. She LOVES Gus, and wasn't quite done petting him yet. She's also at that stage (Evelyn went through it too) where she doesn't listen and says no a lot..wait, do they ever grow out of that? :o) Anyway, I told her it was time to go, she said no, so I said, "OK, Bye!" and pretended to get in the van. That trick only works until she realizes you're bluffing, then she continues doing whatever it is she's doing. I tried it twice more and she still wouldn't come with me, so the third time I told her bye, got in the van....and shut the door. OH MY GOD!! Of course I wasn't going to leave her there, but you would have thought I had already driven out of the driveway. Izzie screamed no, but the thing that made me giggle (I'm not sure why) was that Evelyn screamed, "Mommy, no!" and started bawling her eyes out. I opened the door as soon as I shut it and tried to reassure Evie that we weren't going to leave her sister, but she could not be consoled...and all I could do was laugh. **sigh** I guess I'm gonna just have to shoot for Mom of the Year next year.

I'll leave you with an Evie funny. Last night in the bath tub, Evie noticed a little red bump near her knee that she said was itchy. I asked her if it was a mosquito bite, and she told me no, it was a "squito ma-bite". And, like the good mother that I am, I said, "What?"...just so she would repeat it. Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon icons

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Anonymous said...

hehehehe...Too funny! I cannot wait to see you all next weekend!

Kerrie said...

Oh dear lord. Give her the money now for therapy, why don't you? ;)

Tracy said...

L*O*L Have a great weekend Shannon!!