Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Finally, a day off...

WHEW!! What a relief it was to NOT have to get up at 5:30am, get in the shower, get kids ready and be at work at 7am...ish :o) I took the rest of the week off, yay me! Tami, our daycare lady and a close friend of mine had to have surgery this morning. She does so much for me and Jim, and for the kids so I wanted to help her out. Since I have paid vacation and she doesn't, I offered to stay home and take care of her daycare kids while she recovers. Trust me, I would much rather be here than at work. It's been so hectic at the office, that a few days off is more than me. So, here I sit with my two kids, and another. The extra one is 9 months old and sweet as can be. Tomorrow, I'll have mine, the baby and another little girl that is close to Evie's age, then it looks like the girls and I will have Friday all to ourselves. Jim will be out of town, and there won't be any kids at daycare. I hope the weather is nice so we can play outside or something. Maybe it will finally be nice enough to break out the Slip and Slide that Jim's sister gave Izzie for her birthday.
Have you ever noticed that your kids behave different ways around different people? I know everyone does it, big people included, but take my kids, for instance. There's the way they behave around me, which is sometimes less to be desired, and there is the way they behave around people they're less familiar with. Usually around people they're not familiar with, my kids are a little more reserved. I don't know why I thought they would act different today, but I did. There's no one here that they don't know well, so why should they act any different than any other day? I had also hoped that they wouldn't be any different considering it was me being the babysitter today and not Tami. That is also proving to be false. The kids started getting hungry a little before 11, so I made lunch right at 11:00. Fifteen minutes to eat, and they were done. Before we ate, they also started laying around like they were tired, so after lunch I laid them down. It is now 2:15, and still, not everyone is asleep. Evelyn, for whatever reason, is refusing to sleep. As I type this post, I look back over my shoulder at her and catch her watching me. Oh well, I guess it will be no movies and early to bed for a certain pre-schooler.
When I first had kids, it was suggested to me to "sleep when the baby sleeps". I'm proud to say, that I have heeded that advice every day possible for the last five or no baby :o) Now that some of the children are asleep, I'll see if I can sneak a few Z's myself. Until next time...


Tracy said...

So I am assuming you'll be HERE on Friday to take care of MY daycare kids so I can have a day off?!? I only have 10 kids today including mine. What do you say?!?!

Anonymous said...

Well, if I could get my baby to take naps, I would sleep when the baby sleeps. What's your trick??

Shannon said...

Tracy, I think that my two + 2 is plenty, so my answer is a big negatory, rubber ducky. Sorry :o)

Hol, the trick to getting kids to take naps is Tylenol with Codine :o) Totally kidding. I'm not sure what the trick is. Mine have always been really good nap takers. Luck, I guess. Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks. YAY!!