Thursday, December 27, 2007

Holy Moly...Twice in one week

Brace yourselves. I should have warned you that I was gonna post twice this week, sorry for any health complications this may have caused, hee, hee.

How was your Christmas? Ours was, but fun. We went to Jim's parents on Sunday and came home on Christmas Day. His grandfather was able to make the trip to Fergus Falls, as did his sister and her family. It was great fun to see them all again. Grandpa Bob turned 90 this summer and unfortunately we were not able to make it to his party, so it was especially special that he was able to join us. The girls reconnected with their cousin Tyler and as always had fun with Jacob. Tyler is only 4, so we don't get to see him as much as we see Jake (Jake sometimes comes to Aberdeen with Nana and Grandpa). It was fun to watch them play.

Evie and Izzie were once again spoiled by the Christmas gift giving. Evie was so excited, she was opening gifts left and right regardless if they were hers or not. Isabelle was not feeling well, unfortunately. She started running a fever on Christmas Eve and was pretty much out of it most of the day on Christmas Day. Oh, don't worry, she was herself long enough to open presents Christmas morning, but wiped out about noon and was down for the count until about 8pm. Jim took her to the doctor yesterday and thankfully, she doesn't have strep...just a case of the crud that's going around. He gave her an Rx for an antibiotic and a cough suppressant so hopefully she'll be on the mend soon.

Not much else to report here. We'll be heading back to Bemidji the weekend of the 18th, so hopefully there will be more to talk about after that. I'm gonna try to get some pictures on here from the weekend, but that will have to be later. Keep checkin' back!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Wow, I Really Do Suck at This!!

Ok, so I finally have time to's only December 23 and my last post was in August, but whose counting? So, when we left off, I was getting ready to start my new job at Minerva's...the restaurant. I've been there since the end of August, and I LOVE IT!! I love the work and the people that I work with, which makes it fun. Although it sounds sad to say, I enjoy going to work at the restaurant...not just for the money I make, but it's kind of like MY time away from home and the family. Every mommy needs "mommy time", and this is mine. So.....

Evie started her second year of preschool this fall. I'm really glad she has a late birthday. Her birthday is in October, so she missed the age cutoff for Kindergarten this fall, and I'm very thankful. She's a smart little girl, don't get me wrong, but she's retaining so much more this year in preschool than she did last year. She'll come home and tell me what letter they learned that day, or singing a new song. It's amazing how sponge-like children really are.

Isabelle is still hell on wheels, but more mobile and more vocal. Her vocabulary increases daily and so does the clearness of her speech. Some of the vocabulary, however, isn't desireable for a two year old :o) Her favorite phrases these days are, "You dwiv-ah me nuts!", and "Whatev-oh". Nice...

Other news...Apparently, it isn't cold enough for us in Northeastern South Dakota, so we're moving to North Central Minnesota. Jim got a transfer/promotion with his company that is taking us to Bemidji, MN this spring. We're very excited to go to a new place. It's beautiful country and is a huge tourist attraction in the summer (The Mississippi River starts there and flows south to New Orleans). It will be hard to leave our friends, and move farther away from family, but we're up to the challenge and anxious for a new start.

I'm sure I have more to say, but at this time, none of it comes to mind...please keep your comments about "feeble minds" to yourselves ;). Sorry it's taken me so long to update, but there have been some changes at work, and I'm not able to "play" on the computer as often as I used to. I'll try to be back soon. Until then....